About AI Reading Club

How would an AI-powered reading experience look like?

Inspired by Karpathy's tweet, I prototyped AI Reading Club to explore the idea and user experience, and help readers get more out of reading. Dewey, your AI reading companion, can help with:

  1. Get explanations & discussions: Need help understanding a passage or want to discuss various perspectives? Highlight or scroll to the page and ask Dewey.
  2. Quiz yourself: Want to test your understanding and improve retention? Dewey can help with generating simple multiple-choice quizzes.
  3. Recap the book so far: Revisiting a book you've put down for a while? Dewey can help you pick up where you left off and summarize the book so far.
  4. Look Up in Book: Need help remembering about a term or character? Get a summary based on what was previously mentioned in the book.
  5. Revisit past discussions: Discussions with Dewey are tagged to paragraphs, making it easy to review discussions on a passage or across the entire book.

How to get started

  • Select a Book: Select a book in the library (sourced from Project Gutenberg).
  • Start Reading: Enjoy a clean, distraction-free reading experience.
  • Engage with the text: Highlight any passage or click on the Dewey icon.
  • Get more out of the book: Ask questions, get explanations, or explore different perspectives about the text. Generate quizzes, summaries, and more.

How was this built?

More on features, UX considerations, and behind-the-scenes in this writeup.